Travel & Health – Choosing wisely your travel insurance (part 2)

Welcome to the 2nd episode of “Travel & Health” by Frenchy Travels!

This week, we continue to speak about health with our guest Dr. Andrea L. Leschak – Founder & CEO of Wayfinder Advantage.

Planning your trip, especially after the COVID 19, will be an exciting experience as everyone cannot wait to travel again! However, the topic of travel insurance is often neglected or considered at the last minute. Nevertheless, staying healthy during your journey should be a must!

That is why today, I am seeking advice from Dr. Leschak:

Should travellers consider travel insurance while travelling? If so, which specific products would you recommend?


“I absolutely believe that travellers should consider travel insurance. Unfortunately, there are too many products to discuss here, each with their own strengths and limitations, so you will need to compare and shop around. It is critical for you to understand the coverage limitations. Read the fine print!

Get answers to these questions:

  • What are the coverage limits and terms?
    • If you have questions, ask for clarification BEFORE you purchase.
    • Ex: You would like a refund because you are too ill to travel. Must you see a medical provider to document the illness or is your personal statement enough?
  • What is excluded?
    • Pre-existing medical conditions, some destinations, and certain “extreme” activities (e.g. offshore sailing, scuba diving) may require additional coverage.
    • If an activity is excluded, you might be able to find a policy from an organization affiliated with the sport.
  • Must the insurance be purchased at the time of booking or can you purchase any time prior to departure?
  • How do you get reimbursed?
    • Is there a copay or deductible?
    • What records or receipts are needed to submit a claim?
  • Do they have 24-hour assistance?
    • Do you need a referral BEFORE seeking care?
    • Will they locate a provider or require you to use a specific clinic?
    • Do they offer language services?
  • Does the policy cover “acts of God” …meaning will it cover assistance related to a natural disaster or a global pandemic?

Again, this discussion cannot fully cover all aspects of travel insurance. Take time and review your situation to find the policy that best meets your needs.”

Information provided by Andrea L. Leschak and Wayfinder Advantage is intended for information purposes only and not intended as a substitute for the advice of-and an ongoing relationship with an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider.

Based in the USA, Dr. Andrea L. Leschak holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is a Board-Certified Geriatric Pharmacist. Her career spans more than 25 years serving patients in various healthcare settings.

She launched Wayfinder Advantage in 2019. There, she helps clients develop strategies to reduce travel-related risks caused by their health and medications.

When not working, you can find her sailing, travelling the world, and looking for the best dive spots.

You can follow the Travel & Health tips from Dr. Andrea L. Leschak also on Facebook and Instagram @WayfinderAdvantage or make an online appointment at
